Stranger Things is an American science fiction and horror television series that has been airing since 2016 on Netflix. Created by the Duffer brothers, it has won the hearts of viewers around the world with its mix of adventure, suspense and 80s nostalgia. The story takes place in Hawkins, a small town in Indiana where strange phenomena begin to occur after the disappearance of a young boy, Will Byers. At the heart of the plot are a group of inseparable friends, a girl with telekinetic powers named Eleven and a terrifying parallel world called the Upside Down. Each season of Stranger Things is a thrilling adventure that mixes horror, drama and friendship.
Discover our collection of Stranger Things Posters
Our Stranger Things poster collection is designed for all fans of this iconic series. Each poster captures the essence of the series, whether through striking portraits of the characters, illustrations of iconic scenes or artistic representations of the Upside Down. Printed on high-quality paper, our posters are perfect for adding a touch of mystery and nostalgia to your interior decoration. Whether you are fascinated by the courage of Eleven, the unbreakable friendship of the group of friends or the dark and mysterious atmosphere of the Upside Down, you will find the Stranger Things poster that matches your passion for this exceptional series.
Dive into the world of Stranger Things
Stranger Things is an American science fiction and horror television series that has been airing since 2016 on Netflix. Created by the Duffer b...
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